As I was cleaning out my drawer in my room today, I came across these pictures. He he .. made me smile a bit. Gosh .. I looked different and young. I scanned them immediately and here they are.

I still remember this day .. well, not exactly but I do remember it being taken in 1985.
Back then, I was 9 years old. I was in Grade 3 and the name of my
school was Queen Elizabeth Public School in Ottawa, Canada.
I also remember my homeroom teacher Ms. Benedict combing my hair and fashioning it
the way you see in the picture. It was messy hair picture for me that year.

This one was taken the year after. In 1986. Grade 4 with Mrs. Wood. She was the prettiest
teacher in school that time and boy was I lucky to have her as my homeroom
teacher. Unfortunately, one of the teachers moved out of the school and we were one teacher short. And because of that, we were all moved back to our classes the year
before ... not that we were put back one grade lower. We just had to share classes
with the younger kids. So, this picture was, again, with Ms. Benedict.

Finally, 5th grade! Mrs. Wood's class again. This was taken in 1987. Umm .. later that
year, we had to move back to Malaysia ... and that was like one of the
biggest turn in my life. That's what you get when you're
in a family with a Dad that travels for work. I made my 5th grade the best
it was. Joined the school patrols for the third year straight, joined the Soccer
team, played Baseball, Volleyball and Floor Hockey.