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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Malaysian Drivers; Faikay’s NOT SO PROFESSIONAL point of view.

I don’t drive very well … heck no! I just got my driver’s license and I’m still holding a probationary one till 2010. Though I do not drive well, I sure do know that Malaysian drivers don’t drive well either. What makes me say this? Well, here are just a few thoughts.


This specimen can be of a Malay, Chinese, Indian or any other origin from Malaysia. Drives either a big car or one that shames the sunken, rusted titanic. He/She/It drives its mind knowing that other people on the road can read its mind. Therefore, always decides to overtake or change lanes without the use of the car’s signal (probably thinking that it will use up all the car’s battery power). And when it hits into a foreign object, utters some Malay words like “Hoi, ko tak Nampak ke aku nak masuk. Buta ke?”


Probably won several gold medals for sprinting in the Olympics or ohh … limp … eeks! So, life for this specimen is always fast paced. Everything needs to be in a rush. Don’t bother about life nor safety … speed is the priority. What this specimen does is drive inches away from your bumper. The closer, the better – just as long as it can go fast. When you brake for emergency and the car behind you kisses your car’s booty, it (the gold medal driver) will blame you for driving too slow and endangering the lives of others on the road.


Always, always a woman. Drives a car thinking that she will arrive at her destination faster than anyone else (although you are also driving a cooler, faster car). What she does is block your car in ANY POSSIBLE way to be in front of her although you are in a traffic jam ( She thinks that she’ll arrive faster because she is one car ahead of you. YES! One car), at a junction that requires you to cross the lane her car is at (she thinks by blocking access to your car will help her save time as she, yes, is ONE CAR ahead of you), or when you need to enter a main road from either the left or right (She blocks you because she got there first!).

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